
Sunday, March 17

As kids we thought that our parents just didn't have a clue about anything. We were not going to be like our parents when we grew up. Well I am very grateful for mine today. My father has passed on but my mom is still here and I am grateful for that. I thank them both for the up bring I had and the lessons learned, good and bad times shared, most importantly the love and support. I know for sure that I am who I am today because of who she is then and now. Do you remember the first time you noticed sounding like one of your parents or something  they told you was right but as a kid you didn't believe them? It was shocking to me but yes I can honestly say that Damn you were right mom or dad.
Thank you mom I love.
Challenge: If you can I challenge you all to call and tell your parents that you love them and that you are grateful for the way you were raised.

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